Ice Skate Memorial City offers Adult hockey leagues
Monday nights – A/B league
Thursday nights – A/AA league
Saturday nights – C league
Sunday afternoons & Evenings B league
For information about joining a league contact Travis Adams
Practices & Evaluations are anticipated to begin Monday, August 19. Games are anticipated to begin the middle of September.
Exact schedule will be communicated once we have a better understanding of registered players at each age group. However, here is a TENTATIVE schedule that is subject to change:
Pre-League: Monday/Friday
8U: Monday/Friday
10U Monday/Friday
12U: Monday/Friday
14U Wednesday/Friday
Team jerseys and socks can be used from Spring season. Participation in all practices and games for your players age division. Pre-League players will not have regularly scheduled games just two practices a week. Registration for all other will include white jersey and socks. Discounted registration for those who opt out of jersey/socks.
For NEW players wanting to play Pre-league Basic 1 & 2, as well as Hockey 1 must be completed.
Please register with the link below.
Ice skate host private drop-in hockey
Friday afternoon A/B drop-in 12:15pm to 1:30pm. Adults only, 18 and up.